dm-control (single agent)#
pip install shimmy[dm-control]
Usage (Single agent)#
import gymnasium as gym
env = gym.make("dm_control/acrobot_swingup_sparse-v0")
Class Description#
- class shimmy.dm_control_multiagent_compatibility.DmControlMultiAgentCompatibilityV0(env: dm_control.composer.Environment, render_mode: str | None = None)#
This compatibility wrapper converts multi-agent dm-control environments, primarily soccer, into a Pettingzoo environment.
Dm-control is DeepMind’s software stack for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MuJoCo physics. This compatibility wrapper converts a dm-control environment into a gymnasium environment.
- metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {'render_modes': ['human']}#
- possible_agents: List[AgentID]#
- observation_space(agent)#
The observation space for agent.
- action_space(agent)#
The action space for agent.
- render()#
Renders the environment.
- close()#
Closes the environment.
- reset(seed=None, return_info=False, options=None)#
Resets the dm-control environment.
- step(actions)#
Steps through all agents with the actions.
- agents: List[AgentID]#
- observation_spaces: Dict[AgentID, gymnasium.spaces.Space]#
- action_spaces: Dict[AgentID, gymnasium.spaces.Space]#
- class shimmy.dm_control_compatibility.DmControlCompatibilityV0(env: composer.Environment | control.Environment | dm_env.Environment, render_mode: str | None = None, render_height: int = 84, render_width: int = 84, camera_id: int = 0)#
This compatibility wrapper converts a dm-control environment into a gymnasium environment.
Dm-control is DeepMind’s software stack for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MuJoCo physics.
Dm-control actually has two Environments classes, dm_control.composer.Environment and dm_control.rl.control.Environment that while both inherit from dm_env.Environment, they differ in implementation.
For environment in dm_control.suite are dm-control.rl.control.Environment while dm-control locomotion and manipulation environments use dm-control.composer.Environment.
This wrapper supports both Environment class through determining the base environment type.
dm-control uses np.random.RandomState, a legacy random number generator while gymnasium uses np.random.Generator, therefore the return type of np_random is different from expected.
- metadata: dict[str, Any] = {'render_fps': 10, 'render_modes': ['human', 'rgb_array']}#
- observation_space: spaces.Space[ObsType]#
- action_space: spaces.Space[ActType]#
- reset(*, seed: int | None = None, options: dict[str, Any] | None = None) tuple[ObsType, dict[str, Any]] #
Resets the dm-control environment.
- step(action: np.ndarray) tuple[ObsType, float, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]] #
Steps through the dm-control environment.
- render() np.ndarray | None #
Renders the dm-control env.
- close()#
Closes the environment.
- property np_random: RandomState#
This should be np.random.Generator but dm-control uses np.random.RandomState.